Announcing SAD PUPPIES 3!

The Hugo awards window (for 2015’s nominations) will be open soon. As one of Baen’s newest authors, I wanted to be be the first guy out of the gate with SAD PUPPIES 3. For those of you who don’t know what SAD PUPPIES is, it’s a (somewhat tongue in cheek) running effort to get stories, books, and people onto the Hugo ballot, who are entirely deserving, but who don’t usually get on the ballot. Largely because of the nomination and voting tendencies of World Science Fiction Convention, with its “fandom” community. In the last decade we’ve seen Hugo voting skew more and more toward literary (as opposed to entertainment) works. Some of these literary pieces barely have any science fictional or fantastic content in them. Likewise, we’ve seen the Hugo voting skew ideological, as Worldcon and fandom alike have tended to use the Hugos as an affirmative action award: giving Hugos because a writer or artist is (insert underrepresented minority or victim group here) or because a given work features (insert underrepresented minority or victim group here) characters.

Likewise, the Hugos tend to be a raw popularity contest, for all definitions of “popular” that include “Trending with Worldcon.” Which may or may not have anything whatsoever to do with actual sales success on the open market. And that was Correia’s original point: if the Hugos really are the preeminent award in SF/F how come the Hugos so often ignore works and people who are, in fact, successful ambassadors of the genre to the consumer world at large? What the heck is going on here?

So, SAD PUPPIES has tended to push back. Against the Worldcon fandom zeitgeist.

Last time, it was Larry Correia carrying the guidon for SAD PUPPIES. He did it bravely, and with no small degree of criticism from those who cannot stomach seeing the Hugos visited by folks who aren’t of the body of fandom per se. This time? I volunteer myself. I don’t have Larry’s fan base, but they are familiar to me (and I to them) and since SAD PUPPIES is actually a much bigger, more viral effort (every year it’s conducted, it gains steam) I hope to see a lot of activity that goes well beyond the ordinary corridors of what might be called “the conversation” in SF/F.

Thus, I am going to slowly compile a slate. Of books and stories (and other things, and people) for the different categories. So that hopefully deserving works and artists — who tend to be snubbed at awards season — get a chance on the final ballot. It doesn’t take a massive number of nominating votes to secure a final spot for a specific work or person. All it takes are a few dozen interested people (with Worldcon memberships) to list a given work when they nominate.

So, here we go. I will periodically post updates as the list expands. Of course, comments are open. Anybody want to make suggestions?


  1. And I’m actually eligible this year. 🙂

    At one point, After the Blast was higher ranked on Amazon’s list than two of last year’s Hugo Winners (Short Story and Novelette, IIRC), so why should I not be nominated?

    Seriously, it’s fun and if I can, I’ll nominate and vote and all that, but I could really give a flip about my own stuff ever being Hugo nominated. I leave that to you and Larry. 😀

  2. I would typically say BRANDON SANDERSON! But everyone already knows that. There’s a series by Jack Campbell (AKA John G. Hemry) called The Lost Fleet, that I feel is extremely underrepresented as SF. Space battles, warships, opposing polities, aliens, traitors, explanation of space travel as good as any. It should be recognized.

  3. Trial by Fire, Charles Gannon. A Tom Clancy sensibility for a sci-fi space opera universe.

    S. F. Murphy
    On the Outer Marches

  4. Some ideas:

    Judge of Ages, by John C. Wright
    Ark Royal, by Chris Nuttal
    Skin Game, by Jim Butcher

    Jason Rennie, editor of Sci Phi Journal #1 and #2
    Vox Day and Tom Kratman, editors of Riding the Red Horse

    Toni Weisskopf, editor

    Sci Phi Show, Jason Rennie, whatever level of fan/pro/related works

  5. It would be nice to drag some indie works into the “conversation,” especially as the likely front-runner, The Martian, is ineligible for the award due to prior publication as an indie.

    Actually some of the best fiction this year in the genre won’t be eligible for similar reasons.

  6. Paragon42, I agree. Let’s see about getting “The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast” nominated. I really liked it.

  7. Brad, because ANALOG is on the proscribed list (as you experienced last year), and because my current series of stories there occur AFTER the next ice age, in which era global warming is less than a forgotten myth, and for the general hell of it, I modestly recommend my own novella, “Flow,” (ASF, November 2014) for the coming fray.

  8. As much as I absolutely love the Lost Fleet Series right now I’m at a bit of a tossup between Skin Game, Chaplain’s War, and Monster Hunter Nemesis as the best novels I read last year.

    With the earlier noms for the Chaplain’s Assistant is the full novel eligible?

  9. I nominate my indie sci-fi novel LOST DOGS, about two pets who survive an alien attack on Earth. And my campaign slogan shall be, “SAD PUPPIES for LOST DOGS!” 😉

  10. The short stories in City Beyond Time by John C. Wiight are very good. Of the two that are original to 2014, I recommend The Plural Helen of Troy.

  11. I have not yet read most of the recommendations here, but I recommend the following that I have read:

    Jason Rennie, editor of Sci Phi Journal #1 and #2
    Toni Weisskopf, editor
    Sci Phi Show, Jason Rennie, whatever level of fan/pro/related works
    The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast
    Monster Hunter Nemesis

  12. Other ideas now that I’ve had some time to look through the anthologies again…


    “Sixth of the Dusk”, Brandon Sanderson

    Short Stories:

    “Domo”, Joshua M. Young (Not sure if this is a short story or novelette)
    “They Also Serve”, by Tedd Roberts
    “The Keeper of Names”, by Larry Correia

    Related Works:


  13. Because After The Blast is literally the worst thing on Amazon.
    I present to you every bad line from After The Blast’s free preview.

    It started with a blinding flash, though I got lucky.
    My answer was emptiness
    I had a crappy cell phone plan, and dropped calls were a way of life for another seven months when I would get out of that God forsaken contract.
    Traffic jams could be useful after all if you knew how to make use of the time.
    Turning the ignition, I was gifted with precisely nothing.
    There it is, he thought, pulling out the backpack full of stuff.
    Jess liked to joke that I was a “big” guy, but the reality was I was fat.
    A sedentary job and changed all of that.
    Oh well, no sense worrying about it now as began to move down the road.
    Panicking people kept stampeding through the middle of the highway, despite the fact that ther was no way to outrun the radiation.
    A forty mile drive might only take an hour, but even there was no way I could make that walk at one shot.
    It was one of a thousand that dotted the sides of South Georgia highway.
    I would still see the occasional person, but not so much now.
    Maybe a terrorist attack, but the lack of a visible sun wasn’t helping me hold on to that hope.
    I was moving away from the blast, but now I was seeing cars burning, with billowing black smoke reaching up toward the sky.
    Whatever had done this had to be from something even more dangerous.
    I would stop occasionally and try to gather my strength, but I wouldn’t let it last too long.
    I was so exhausted, I didn’t even realize I was close to home until I was standing outside my house.
    Opening the closet door, I looked for the thing I most feared ever having to use, my father’s old twelve gauge shotgun.
    Rested, checking the rest of the house wasn’t nearly as bad as it would have been the night before.
    Every can of food I could find was stuffed into the bag, along with all the shotgun shells.
    Extra ammo was deposited into the pack, which now felt like it weighed the same amount approximately as a small mountain.
    Days drug by.
    Most of it was just walking, but walking with an intense terror.

  14. Best Novel: JUDGE OF AGES by John C. Wright

    Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form: INTERSTELLAR by Christopher Nolan

    Best Editor, Long Form: Toni Weisskopf

    Best Editor, Short Form: Jason Rennie (I’m unsure if he’s eligible, since the rules require a nominee to have edited at least 4 eligible publications, and SPJ is only on issue #3).

  15. I’ve been a Worldcon supporting member for a few years. Yes there is a group that is just cliquish about the Hugos. It’s kind of annoying and has almost made me drop my membership. I’m not super right-wing conservative, but because I’m not an extreme leftist (and a white person who identifies as a hetero male), the Hugo crowd seems to think I am. But I still get membership if only to be the voice of dissent.

    But, here is what I’m looking at nominating so far: You can disagree with my selection. Yes I lean heavily towards fantasy. I don’t care.

    City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennet. Awesome early twentieth century fantasy about world that tries to ban religion and realizes that is stupid. Just an awesome setting that’s hard to describe. It already has some buzz for the Hugo, but Bennet is a Texan and doesn’t fit into the normal Hugo crowd.
    The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison. This is a political-drama fantasy. It’s not the normal grimdark fantasy that is so popular. The main character is actually nice and likeable. Weird I know. It also has some buzz for the Hugos. It deals with racism which the Hugo crowd likes, but it’s racism between elves and goblins so that might be too much of a stretch for some of them. Katherine Addison is a pen name for Sarah Monet who isn’t in with the Hugo crowd, but not out either.
    Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. Because Brandon is awesome and his response to all the haters last year was classy. I wanted to nominate this book for the Tiptree award but missed the deadline. (It would never be allowed to make the Tiptree ballot, but I think it deserved to considered. Words of Radiance is a sequel and true sequels do not win the Hugo, but why not?
    NPCs by Drew Hayes. This is self published and has no Hugo buzz so far, but is doing well for a self-published book that came out last year. Most successful self published books take about two years to get going so they miss the Hugo deadlines (as in the case with The Martian). I had a great time reading this and if Thraxis can win the World Fantasy Award I think NPCs can be given a shot.

    I still have one slot left and I’m trying to decide what to place there. It depends on what I can get read before the deadline.

    As for competition that’s not making my list: Ancillary Sword by Anne Leckie and Lock In by John Scalzi. They could be good books. They have a lot of buzz and may be shoo-ins for the Hugo, but neither of these authors have impressed me in the past. If you like them, go ahead and nominate them, but please look around first.

    Also, I’m not nominating anything by Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire. She’s a good author, but I need a break from her writing.

    Now for the other categories, which need to be focused on as much as the best novel category.

    I don’t have anything here yet. I’ve heard rumors of some stuff by past winners. I like to see new faces here.

    Scalzi has a good chance of getting a nomination here for his prequel to Lock In. I would rather he get nominated here than in the Novel category.

    Also, something that celebrates gay relationships will likely get nominated here. There’s a group that just pushes for that.

    Still haven’t found anything I want to nominate here yet either. From rumors, Seanan McGuire and Thomas Olde Heuvelt will likely get nominations here. Heuvelt gets a lot of votes because he’s Dutch and it makes a certain crowd feel like the Hugo’s are more international by nominating him. I don’t care for his stuff, but if you like it, he’s still out there.

    Other stuff I’ve heard about people wanting to nominate is mostly just gay porn.

    I have nominees here. I wish Sad Puppies would do more with short stories because only getting three or four nominees is just sad. The stories I’m nominating are:

    “Whaliens” by Lavie Tidhar, first published in Analog but you can read it under it’s alternate title “How to Win a Hugo” at: This story gently ribs the Hugo crowd. And it’s already gotten buzz to be nominated. I will cackle gleefully if it wins.

    “Tuesdays With Molakesh the Destroyer,” by Megan Grey, published with Fireside Magazine. Read it at . I liked this story as it deals with the issue of dealing with people you don’t like and still being hospitable. Not a conversation most of the Hugo crowd wants to have. It hasn’t been published in one of the approved outlets (as in not a SWFA magazine) which is huge strike against it.

    Most of the other stories I’ve heard buzzed about are the usual Worldcon nominations. They’re all about the “feels” and social justice and all of that.

    This section is getting more and more political. Hurley’s win last year kind of proved that. This year, this will likely to become the Best SJW Approved Essay category. Alex Dally McFarlane is a shoo-in for her essay on “Post-Binary Gender in SF.” I thought McFarlane’s essay was short-sighted and not well researched, but it fits with the narrative some people tell themselves.

    What I want to nominate so far:
    Shadows Beneath: The Writing Excuses Anthology, Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowol, Daw Wells, Howard Taylor. I like writing excuses and this was a great anthology that let’s users see the writing process. Plus I like Writing Excuses.
    Altered Perceptions, Edited by Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Robison Wells. This is the kind of social activism I can support. Mental illness is a problem and the solutions to it are complicated. But I feel kind of bad nominating it because of the harassment the Worldcon crowd heaped on Brandon and Dan last year for getting nominated. I don’t want Rob to go through that. And they will get mad about this because of some of the people published in it. So this one may not make my final list.

    Still open for other options. Will probably nominate Writing Excuses Season 9. I’ve thought about some essays, but I’ve decided I don’t want this to become the best essay award.

    I actually read a lot of graphic novels, so I’m surprised I don’t have more here. “Saga” will probably get nominated again. I don’t care for it, but a lot of people like it. My nomination is for:

    The Shadow Hero by Gene Luen Yang. Okay, this hits the diversity requirement. Yang has been nominated for a National Book Award so I don’t know if he would want to slum it at the hugos. I liked this graphic novel, mostly because it was fun. Yang wrote it to take an actual 1940’s comic book superhero, who was probably asian but never revealed as asian, and gave him a previously untold origin story. It’s a far more positive way to combat racism that how most SJW do it. Yang doesn’t stoop to the “let’s just blame white people” narrative that most use.

    Other graphic novels I’m heard buzzed about are mostly just porn… I mean “sex positive” stories with hardly any SF or F in them. I’ve learned from the Hugo’s that in a contest between SF&F and porn. Porn will always win.

    Lots of great choices here.

    X-Men: Days of Future Past
    Guardians of the Galaxy
    The Edge of Tomorrow
    Captain America: The Winter Soldier
    The Maze Runner
    The Lego Movie

    Still deciding which are my top five to nominate.

    I don’t watch enough TV to know what to nominate here. I’d like to see an animated show make the ballot, but again, I don’t watch enough to know for certain.

    Lightspeed and Strange Horizons are likely shoo-ins along with

    Those are fine choices, but I want to seem some new faces. My choices so far are:

    Daily Science Fiction. If only because no one else is doing what they do. They publish a lot… no really a lot… of science fiction and fantasy. That’s a huge undertaking. They deserve some credit.

    Intergalactic Medicine Show. Okay the full title is Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show. Other people edit and run it, but the Worldcon crowd hates OSC and wish they could strike him out of existence and take back all the awards they gave him in the past. It’s a good magazine and deserves a nod.

    Also, best social justice blog.

    I need more options here. but I haven’t decided what to nominate. I like Staffer Book Reviews and SF Signal well enough.

    I will likely nominate something like Quantum Fairytales that publish stories and not just social justice essays.

    Tea and Jeopardy
    SF Signal

    Need more options than the SWJ podcasts that are getting buzzed about.

    Toni Weisskopf. She deserves it.

    Still looking for some others. I wish it were easier to tell who edited which book.

    For reasons stated in best Semiprozine category:

    Jonathan Laden, Daily Science Fiction
    Michele-Lee Barasso, Daily Science Fiction
    Edmund R. Schubert, Intergalactic Medicine Show

    Galen Dara, because her work is awesome.
    Steve Argyle. he’s an old friend, but mostly works on RPG books.

    Still shopping around here.

    Brian McClellan
    Drew Hayes

    Last year this category made me sick. There is a reason why “no vote” got more first place votes than most of them. My hope is that this category would be for people who promote SF&F and not spend most of their time bashing SF&F for not fulfilling their personal political and philosophical narratives.

    I’ve toyed with nominating Sarah Hoyt here or Brandon Sanderson (if only for his essay refuting WoT haters). This category doesn’t exclude professional authors.

    So that is my slate so far.

  16. Alauda, that isn’t a true representation of the preview. Why would you do this? Why would you go out of your way to misrepresent something just so you can insult someone and embarrass them?

  17. Oh, Cramps. How did I know you’d be along shortly.

    Here’s the thing. No matter how bad you think that After the Blast is, I’ve still made more from it than you have on anything you’ve written. So please, do keep prattling on like a rhesus monkey with Tourette syndrome. It amuses me so.

  18. I’m probably eligible, but highly unlikely to even make the ballot. I will however be supporting and promoting for Sad Puppies, in addition to voting. Time to make some changes, in that the Hugo used to be great, and now it’s synonymous with dreck. That’s saddening, and I’ll happily add my voice to those asking for ‘more fun, less message.’

  19. Oh, it’s best to let the fungus continue as he likes.

    He’s the best marketing I could ever ask for. More folks buy my stuff every time he decides to blast it. It’s really a thing of beauty.

  20. It’s just sad that some people feel the need to attack others’ art. I’m in a weird contemplative mood today. Anyway, After The Blast has a bunch of nice reviews and your ranking is not bad at all. Congratulations.

  21. Amy,

    I just might. After all, alauda’s blabber will probably make me enough to pay for it too, which really IS the best award one can have. 😀

  22. Third, One Bright Star to Guide Them for best novella. Just read it. Enjoyed it. Kind of like Lev Grossmen’s The Magicians but the characters are less childish.

  23. As a Hugo voter, I have a couple of comments. One, I have never excluded or ranked anybody in my nominating list or final vote based on the politics of the author. Two, how exactly can anybody argue that Worldcon is somehow not “fandom” which this whole Sad Puppies thing suggests? Because of the rotation between cities and continents, we have a huge churn in membership year over year. At Loncon last year, we had over 3,000 ballots cast – over twice as many as any previous year!

    Based on what wins vs. my votes, the only bias I see in Hugo voting is world-building. Novels that have a radical new world tend to beat out stuff set in a more mundane environment. (The year City and City and Windup Girl tied for first, I had them tied for last on my ballot. Worldbuilding carried them over a lack of plot and character.)

    In any event, Mr. Torgersen, if you’re going to nominate people based on their politics, please don’t decry people using that same criterion (politics) when they vote. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

  24. “Queen of the Tyrant Lizards”, By John C. Wright, for best short story.

    “A Quadrillion Occupied Planets”, by Marc Anthony, also for best short story. I heard the author is a cool guy. Has a blog. malcolmthecynic or something.

    “The Plural of Helen of Troy”, by John C. Wright, for best novella

    “What is Pink/Blue SFF?” by Vox Day for best related work.

    My well known picks: “The Martian”, by Andy Weir, for best novel and “Interstellar” for best long form dramatic presentation.

    Hugo Award for best editor, short form: JASON RENNIE!

    The webcomic “Freefall”, by Mark Stanley, for best graphic story. Outstanding exploration of Asimov’s three laws.

  25. Chris,

    Thank you for illustrating the point of Sad Puppies. That a fans’ award is decided by less than three thousand people, self-selected from the con-going crowd which is only a subsection of the greater reading market. That the tastes of this self-selecting crowd might not reflect that same reading market. Thank you for also illustrating our complaint that those who claim to be the most inclusive are the most rigid when it comes to ideology.

    As for Hugo biases, check out Chaos Horizon’s analysis of Hugo winners for the last fourteen years. ( The bias is against your radical new worlds and for worlds that have explicit narrative connection to our own. See: Redshirts winning out over Throne of the Crescent Moon. In fact, the conclusion, drawn from the list of nominees and winners, that the Hugos are biased against serialized secondary fantasies, such as A Song of Ice and Fire, Sanderson’s Cosmere, The Wheel of Time, etc., when that is what’s selling like hotcakes brings us back to the idea that the Hugo voters’ tastes might not reflect the current market for science fiction and fantasy.

  26. I would argue that in addition to editor hugo we nominate riding the red horse for best related work. 1/2 of it is very very well written articles.

  27. Freefall is not eligible for the same reason The Dresden Files (taken as a whole) is not eligible: the story is not completely published. The most recent volume of Girl Genius finished displaying on the last of the year and so is eligible.

  28. Hey Alauda thanks for the recommendation. Just bought a copy of After The Blast. You do serve a useful purpose after all.

  29. I agree that lately the Hugo nominations have been disappointing. My main problems is that so many nominees are not science fiction. And I don’t mean the literary stories that are heavy with social commentary and have little science fiction in them. At least they have some science fiction in them. Allow me to get a little General Jack D Ripper here. Fantasy, horror, and thrillers have their own awards. Obviously there are a lot of genre mash-ups these days that could kind of be called science fiction, but I wish that the Hugos were only given to science fiction works.

    One more thing, Mr. Torgersen. If you are going to have an actual slate of nominees, please make sure that the only qualification is excellence in the type of story you want to see more represented in the Hugo nominations. Nominating things because you want to see John Scalzi’s brain blow up is quite juvenile and detrimental to what you are trying to do. Please avoid the temptation.

  30. Wait, Andy Weir’s The Martian isn’t elgible? But it’s awesome! How do we get the rules changed? – first appeared in print in 2012 as a self-published novel. Changing the rules requires a vote at two consecutive Worldcons.

  31. One more thing again. For everybody listing stories, please list your sources. You may be able to get print anthologies from your local library or through Interlibrary Loan. And some libraries may have databases that have the full text of Analog, FS&F or Asimov’s.

  32. Is Brent Week’s “The Broken Eye” eligible for Best Novel?
    He’s a damn fine writer, very entertaining. No idea about his politics and I’m ok with that. His reading in Seattle last year was great.

  33. Sources: “Queen of the Tyrant Lizards” was already linked.

    “What is Pink/Blue SF/F is from Vox Day’s blog.

    “A Quadrillion Occupied Planets” is from the Sci Phi Journal Issue #3.

    “The Plural of Helen of Troy” is from “City Beyond Time”.

  34. Sources for my suggestions. All are books.

    “Sixth of the Dusk”, Brandon Sanderson, “Shadows Beneath” and “Sixth of the Dusk”
    “Domo”, Joshua M. Young, “Sci Phi Journal #1”
    “They Also Serve”, by Tedd Roberts, “Riding the Red Horse”
    “The Keeper of Names”, by Larry Correia, “Shattered Shields”
    THE HOT EQUATIONS: THERMODYNAMICS AND MILITARY SF by Ken Burnside., “Riding the Red Horse.”

  35. I just read Steve Davidson’s amazing post and it’s much the same as Gerrib’s views. Of course no one is being forced to vote a certain way or sees their politics as politics when it comes something like “white privilege” or “rape culture” or any of the other daffy theories these people support. To them that stuff is as obvious as gravity. That’s what mainstreaming hate speech is.

    That’s the whole point: core fandom is a bunch of clueless idiots who take whatever their racist sexist ideologues say at face value and then claim they can’t breathe and that the psychotic breaks with reality like recent guest of honor speeches at WisCon and Continuum are actually fighting Jim Crow and women-hatred.

    But make no mistake, when someone is claiming they wish they were exaggerating racism they’ve never seen and that their career as been strangled with awards nominations they are simply people with mental health issues flogging their weird obsessions and paranoias to people who don’t get out much.

    Do you really think this Yama ding-dong is a world traveler and bon vivant lamenting his space heater going out in his lonely room on Blueberry Lane? Do you think people with 75,000 Tweets really have a balanced and informed view of the world?

    Davidson must be nuts to not have looked at last years Nebulas and Hugos and not seen it’s radical gay feminist orthodoxy in action handing out crumbs to its poor marginalized people of color and helpless but fierce women or that they weren’t shitty stories. Core fandom jumps at the behest of a racist, sexist, supremacist cult that has far more interest in the sex and race of the authors than art. With 30 nominees who support intersectionalism at last year’s Hugos, it is no different than the racist White Privilege Conference or a reversed out KKK – take your pick

    Davidson has had his own experience with being swarmed by social justice warriors and has decided on the better part of valor. That may not being “forced” but it sure smells like it.

  36. Dear Fail Burton: Since you mentioned me by name, I’ll address your comment specifically, and as politely as possible.

    You have completely and utterly missed my point. I do not give a rat’s ass what the politics, sex or race of the authors are on the works I nominate for a Hugo. I personally think Vox Day / Theodore Beale is a jackass, yet I read his nominated short story. I found it to be a clinic on how not to write a short story and voted accordingly. I read (and enjoyed) our host’s novella, and put it #1 on my ballot.

    I, and many of the Hugo voters, don’t care about politics. Ancillary Justice was the most striking book of the finalists. Another book by a woman, Parasite, was a weak retread. I voted accordingly.

    In short, I, and I submit the majority of Hugo voters, care about story, which is why (for example) noted conservatives like Orson Scott Card and John C. Wright get published by Tor. Your (and our host’s) insistence on making this all about politics is rather like the man who’s only tool is a hammer – all of his problems seem to resemble nails. It’s also frankly insulting, as it suggests that I and other Hugo voters are corrupt. And frankly, if you plan on continuing to insult me and my friends, please don’t get surprised if we respond tartly.

  37. Forgive me, Brad, but I’m not sure what will be gained from another year of this. Last year’s campaign proved that most of what the conservatives had been saying for years was correct:

    1) The typical Worldcon voter tends towards the left of the political spectrum
    2) Wolrdcon voters tend to vote for like-minded authors.
    3) Based on the above two points, the Hugo award falls a fair way short of honouring the best the genre can offer, and instead honours the best that a relatively small, left-leaning coterie is willing to read.

    (What really proved that last year was the success of Equoid. That proved that Worldcon voters had no problem with a story about a secret agency battling mythical creatures provided that the story was written by Charlie Stross and not Larry Correia.)

    Another year of Sad Puppies will not prove your point any more conclusively than it already has been. Nor will protest memberships be enough to swing the result.

    Baiting the SJWs may be fun, but isn’t there the danger of a continued campaign being seen as just simple mischievousness?

    IMHO it would be better (as you yourself suggested some time ago) to create a new award linked to Comicon or Dragon Con which really would challenge the Hugo’s claim to be the genre’s most prestigous award.

  38. We’re still voters and, frankly, we have a responsibility to select what we think is the best for the year. And, given the scorn already heaped on us, it is better to be in the driver’s seat in the SFF conversation than reacting.

    I would like to see a new award system, one that would be ashamed of three thousand votes instead of proud of them, but until then, ‘Certainly the game is rigged. Don’t let that stop you; if you don’t bet you can’t win.’

  39. John C. Wright, The Ideal Machine (originally published in Sci Phi Journal #1) for Best Novelette.

  40. A much better idea would be to ditch the nepotism for best novel and nominate Starhawk or Coming Home by Jack McDevitt. I guarantee you either will be better than anything Gerrib and his social justice feminists will nominate. It would also be an elegant reminder of what should matter and what has been lost. You could also see exactly what your influence is since the SJWs will likely (but not certainly) ignore McDevitt as a white supremacist who marginalizes people by default, despite the fact each novel has a woman protagonist.

    In any event I can tell you right now who’ll win the Hugo for best novel: Kameron Hurley. I don’t need to read SJW novels. I just need their race-gender status on the totem pole of radical feminism. After the cissexist bludgeon of workshop boredom by Leckie, Hurley’s the next white dudebro hammer on the list.

  41. Fail Burton – Jack McDevitt is your idea of an “ignored writer?” ?!?!?! The guy’s been nominated for a Nebula 14 (!!!!!) times and won in 2006.

    Mirror Empire (which I haven’t read) may be good, but it’s gotta be really good to beat Under a Darkling Sea or Defenders. As far as buzz, what’s really getting the attention is not Hurley but rather Three Body Problem, translated by multiple-Hugo winner Ken Lui.

  42. Names I’d like to see on a Best Novel Hugo list in the next 5 years:

    L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
    Kevin J. Anderson
    Eric Flint
    David Drake
    John Hemry (Jack Campbell)
    Chuck Gannon

    Among many others.

    SAD PUPPIES isn’t about nepotism. It’s about trying to put people (and works) on the list that would not ordinarily wind up on the list. No offense to Leckie, but she was the beneficiary of a lot of affirmative action voting. I’d like to see some people (who would never show up on the affirmative action radar) get at least a Hugo nomination, for being better-than-good writers who have gifted the genre with some tremendous work. Right now, too many nominations are made purely because the author is (gay/transexual/female/non-white) or the main characters are (gay/transexual/female/non-white) and this allows the voting body to give itself warm fuzzies for being progressive/inclusive.

    Which is fine, if that’s all you happen to care about; as a voter. Giving yourself warm fuzzies.

    But then again, when we say “Best Novel” or “Best Short Story” it’s supposed to be the work itself that earns the votes? For pure enjoyability?

    This is clearly never going to happen (for instance, popular names matter a lot, just look at Scalzi’s “Best Novel” win, which even Scalzi’s ideological allies raised an eyebrow at), so I think it’s fair for somebody to push back and say, “Okay, you go ahead and nominate for whatever reasons you like, it’s time for a different bunch of us to do the same; and do it in a coordinated fashion that somewhat offsets the predictable biases and tendencies of the usual Hugo voting body.”

    I have no doubt many Hugo voters are doing it honestly. Good Lord, we need more of you.

    I also have no doubt that many Hugo voters are falling into patterns of groupthink, ideological back-patting, and the previously-cited warm fuzzy thing.

    If the Hugos did not self-praise for being the award in SF/F I doubt any of us would care. But as long as the Hugos do self-praise in this fashion, I think it’s worth it to push back against trends which have actually diminished — not heightened — the overall relevance of the Hugo in the wider entertainment world.

    What do I mean by that? It’s simple, really.

    Too many readers (of all stripes) have complained to me that the Hugos no longer interest them, as a signifier of enjoyability. Because these readers (and man of them are not even on my side of the ideological fence) have been burned too often when buying a Hugo-winning book, or reading a Hugo-winning story, and finding it tedious, boring, a polemic, ham-fisted ideological preaching, too obviously literary (not enough spaceships, rayguns, and explosions!) and too obviously selected for reasons that defy audience desire for an enjoyable reading experience.

  43. I should also note that I am probably going to recuse myself from SAD PUPPIES 3, simply because I am the guy carrying the guidon this time around. Whatever I needed to prove (during the first five years of my pro career) I already proved it. I was about 100 times more excited for my first Baen contract, vs. my first Hugo nomination. I have three now, plus a Nebula and a Campbell in the same year (2012) and two Analog magazine readers choice awards. I think I’ve sufficiently demonstrated I know how to shove a noun up against a verb (to borrow Mike Resnick’s tongue-in-cheek phrase.) So while I greatly appreciate any votes I might get, for SAD PUPPIES 3, I think I am going to take myself off the list.

  44. too obviously selected for reasons that defy audience desire for an enjoyable reading experience. – Then for heaven’s sake keep Vox Day off of the slate – from what I’ve seen the man couldn’t write himself out of a paper bag.

  45. Chris, for someone who questions the need for Sad Puppies to exist in the first place, you seem to have a strange desire to shape what we might nominate.

    As for this year in Vox Day, I don’t think his written works Quantum Mortis, A Mind Programmed or Altar of Hate stand out, especially in a year that saw so much of John C. Wright’s work released. However, his work as an editor for Tom Kratman, John C. Wright, and others at Castalia House is more significant. Riding the Red Horse, Awake in the Night Land, and Book of Feasts and Seasons alone win him a spot at the discussion table. If nominated, will he win? Hell, no. Will it be misconstrued and reviled? Hell, yes. Will it be as unearned a mention as Redshirts, “If You were a Dinosaur, My Love,” and most of the related works and fan dreck? Hardly.

  46. Nathan:
    I can’t speak to Vox Day’s editorial work. I’ve read some of Wright and Kratman, and found the former pretty good and the later merely okay. (Full disclosure: Wright’s called me a dickless wonder by name on his blog, and I had to freeze a thread on my blog because Kratman wouldn’t walk away from it.)

    I can speak to Day’s writing, and based on last year’s sample I wouldn’t publish him, let alone give him an award.

    In any event, my original point stands – if your definition of bias is “my faves didn’t win” you’re liable to see a lot of bias that just isn’t there.

  47. Interestingly, Sad Puppies 3 has already gained the attention of the self appointed intelligentsia (Luhrs). She doesn’t want any attention or click throughs to accumulate to SP3, so she is using LMGTFY – but the usual race and sex baiting is all present and correct on her blog.

  48. Natalie Luhrs strikes me as a girl who desperately wants to be central to the “conversation” in SF/F but doesn’t seem to realize that this is impossible, even for us fiction writers; much less someone who merely blogs about it. Having just seen her SAD PUPPIES 3 comment on her site, I think she suffers the same perspective deficit that her fellow travelers are afflicted with.

    Allow me to explain (and I do apologize for repeating what I’ve said before on this blog).

    SF/F is a multi-billion dollar per year industry spanning books, games, movies, television, comics, etc. Yet the Hugos are (annually) voted on by only a couple thousand people, at best. In some categories, it’s merely hundreds. From a self-selected pool that is traditionally averse to acknowledging (among other things) game and media tie-in fiction, gaming and gamer culture overall, comic books and comic book tie-in material, etc. Essentially, the largest part of the SF/F consumer market is off the Hugo radar. Yet the Hugos somehow represent an accurate finger-to-the-wind, regarding what is “worthy” in SF/F?

    I like the Hugos (from a legacy perspective) because some of my mentors and heroes have won them. Men like Mike Resnick and Larry Niven. I was shocked to learn (around about 2011) how little the Hugos are valued. This shock got worse when a major agent revealed to me that publishers could care less about Hugo nominations or wins, because these nominations/wins have no market value. Ergo, putting HUGO WINNER on a dust jacket doesn’t positively affect sales.

    Part of this is simply due to the fact that it’s a vast market, and people have an eye for individual authors far more than they do for individual labels and/or accolades. But a big part of it is also due to the fact that lots and lots of readers have been burned. “Hugo worthy” is not, for many readers, a phrase with positive connotations. Because too many times, what’s been deemed “Hugo worthy” has let readers down.

    As an award created by fans, for (what was at the time) the central hub of fandom (1950s) the Hugos are suffering (in 2015) a rather serious relevance problem. I’d like to see that fixed. But it can’t be fixed without some kind of organized effort being put in to change the voting patterns that have become rather glaring in the last 20 years.

  49. Chris,

    Let’s try this again. Why are you here? You disagree with us, yet you seem awfully concerned with what we might nominate. No one is compelling you to vote with us, so why does it matter that I and many others disagreed with you last year (likely on the worth of the entire ballot)? Let each of us nominate and vote as personal taste and conscience demand. And if groups of like minds wish to band together in support of their favorites, let them do so without interference or concern for the Right People and the Right Opinion.

    In other words, stay in your lane.

  50. I think the example of bias isn’t “my faves didn’t win” but “what the hell is this crap that keeps winning over and over again?”

    Big difference.

  51. Why are you here? You disagree with us, yet you seem awfully concerned with what we might nominate. Well, I thought I was stating obvious advice, such as “insulting the people who will vote on your stuff isn’t such a good idea;” “you really shouldn’t put somebody on the ballot just to piss somebody else off;” and “maybe the reason some of this stuff isn’t winning is due to the perceived quality of the work, not the author’s politics.”

    Natalie Luhrs strikes me as a girl who desperately wants to be central to the “conversation” in SF/F doesn’t everybody want to be “central to the conversation?” Else why have a blog?

    Yet the Hugos are (annually) voted on by only a couple thousand people, at best. So are the Academy Awards. Nor is there much correlation between what wins an award and what’s the highest-grossing movie.

    Hugos are suffering (in 2015) a rather serious relevance problem. Which may be true. It could also be read as “stuff I like didn’t win, therefore bad.”

    There have been several years in which Hugo winners baffled me. (The execrable Windup Girl, to name one year, and last year’s whole short story slate.) But I don’t think there was a conspiracy to give those authors a Hugo as some kind of brownie point. Frankly, if there was, Seanan McGuire would need to build another shelf in her house to hold Hugos.

  52. To be honest…. for myself, what I’d like to see from this first stage, if I could: generate lists of stuff to try before the nominations close, like J’s post, especially for under appreciated things. January to generate ideas, to be read before nominations close. What’s out and hot in indie land? In straight to paperback midlist?

    I mean, we can assume most voters already know about the novels by Butcher, Sanderson, Correia, & Abercrombie, What else is there? Eliminating bestselling novels and people with regular nominations, who deserves it?

  53. So are the Academy Awards.

    And the Academy Awards are a joke. Your point?

    We can actually do something about the Hugos, and I for one support this effort.

  54. You want some more obvious advice: people who worship mediocrity like the sad puppies campaigners should not be influential in major awards.

    If you want awards for mediocre-at-best works, the Prometheus is a thing.

  55. Sigh. It’s quite simple. The Hugos belong to the Worldcon. They go to the kind of books that the kind of people who go to the Worldcon like. There’s no reason that should have anything to do with which books sell most.

  56. I think can be nominated for best related site even though its more of a gaming site .This is the site that holds the classic game Dwarf Fortress. This would be a good year to nominate this site because its in the developers home state.

    For those who don’t know this game is free and has been in constant development for 10 years. Its the deepest and most detailed game you can find anywhere. Many other games were influenced by it.

    Its a true ‘hardcore’ game. In that its really damn hard. The motto is ‘Losing is Fun’.

    7 page spread that the New York Times did on the developer:

    Its in the Museaum of Modern Art:

    You can tie it SFF literature because it inspires people to write stories about their games.

    Googled ‘Boatmurdered’. Its the most famous one.

    As far as a tie to being conservative.The developer also created the game ‘Liberal Crime Squad’. Its about a group of liberal terrorists based on the Symbionese Liberation Army. You can find a link to it in the forums.

  57. A physicist buddy of mine put me on to a video game that he says was popular with that community early last year called “The Quantum Tree”. It also apparently has the distinction of being the first ever video game for quantum computers. Anyway, it’s a text-based game that I enjoyed reading (and playing) immensely, set in a sci-fi world with tinges of Neal Stephenson-esque cyberpunk (Stephenson is my favorite author, so I was perhaps predisposed to liking the game). At the very least this would be a welcome change to the GoT/Who parade in the Short Dramatic Presentation category (or possibly the Related Work category, or even at a stretch Short Story). “Lock In” would be my choice for Best Novel.

  58. I agree that Jack Campbell writes good books. Two were published this year. I recommend
    Imperfect Sword
    . Steadfast suffers from the publishers’ dictates that he continue the story after its ending; the episodes of it are good, but the story as a whole suffers.

  59. Gerrib, you are a clueless individual. You are unaware you carry water for radical feminist bigots and so of course you don’t see a problem with last year’s Hugos. As for McDevitt, this whole thing with your racist cult has only come up in the last couple of years. You see, there is this thing called the passage of time. Thanks to water-carriers such as yourself, in today’s atmosphere, McDevitt is nobody from nowhere. That is far different from only 2 or 3 years ago, and even more different from 10 years ago. That’s was before people like you destroyed the viability of the core genre and turned the Nebulas and Hugos into nothing more than the gay feminist Tiptree Awards. The stupid white privilege morons like you support is no different than the anti-Jewish Protocols used to demonize Jews.

    Out beyond your insane feminist bubble, McDevitt is still respected and readers who’ve disassociated themselves from your insane feminist bubble of daily bigotry ignore pratts like Leckie’s gender gibberish and Hurley’s gender gibberish.

    Ask yourself why often superlative craftsman like George R. R. Martin, McDevitt and Peter Hamilton are no-shows in your stinking community. I’ll tell you why: they hate what people like you have done to core SF and want nothing to do with it. Even Gaiman can’t stand you retards who support insane feminist bigots who literally have a psychotic episode on Twitter because the U.K.’s version of David Letterman might mention her weight. If you were honest with yourself, you’d see you are nothing more than a member of a wrong-way supremacist and racist KKK that laughingly calls itself “anti-racist.” When you have intransigent bigots like Sinboy and Jim Hines whining on Twitter about Brad, that’s like having neo-Nazis declare they want nothing to do with you. Were I Brad I’d be high-fiving myself over that endorsement and also thanking himself you are not on his side. Now go be a good “ally” to some gender feminist with mental health issues cuz they need a Gunga Din like you to carry the message of their sacred words. You’d think when you have a psychotic shut-in like the Horror at Blueberry Lane on your side you might stop and think. You are part of a cult that got two cops shot dead so you might want to think about the non-stop hate speech from your heroes with blood on their hands too. Rats like you were at Heidelberg U in 1936 and they didn’t see what was coming either.

  60. When Cramps is telling people to shut up, it’s a signal that he knows he lost the discussion.

    He lost it long before, but that’s the signal that he finally realizes it.

  61. Novels:
    Skin Game, by Jim Butcher
    Stardogs, by Dave Freer
    Dragon Princess, by S. Andrew Swann
    Monster Hunter Nemesis, by Larry Correia

  62. I find it tremendously amusing that Chris Gerrib is so concerned about keeping my works from being nominated, when more people read and enjoy them than read most of the other nominated works, including some of the winners.

    At least one of my short stories published in 2014 is qualitatively better than any of the short stories that were nominated last year. Will it be nominated? Who can say at this point? But his feeble pretense at being motivated by anything but his left-wing ideology is unlikely to convince very many observers.

    He didn’t object when John Scalzi turned the Hugos into a complete joke with his “fan writer” campaign a few years ago. He said nothing when John C. Wright wasn’t nominated for The Golden Age or the novellas that comprise Awake in the Night Land. He should have raised his voice then. It’s far too late now.

  63. In honor of the above comment in Arabic, I have just purchased After The Blast from Amazon. Doesn’t mean I’ll nominate it, but I will at least give it a chance.

  64. It certainly doesn’t hurt.

    I mean, who doesn’t want someone who will take care of their marketing for them, sell a good bit, and cost you nothing? It’s the sweetest deal one could ask for!

  65. It is interesting to see all the accusations that we merely nominate and vote for books because of the politics of the authors.

    Since that is a lot of what happens on the other side I guess it makes sense that they think that, but the simple truth is that a lot of the time when you remove the “added value” of a book being written by some minority group or sexuality it simply doesn’t hold up as what should be the best of the year.

    I am considering nominating John C. Wright’s work and Larry’s and Brad’s not because they think like I do, (Indeed I disagree with Mr. Wright’s opinions somewhat often, and Larry and Brad don’t agree on everything nor I with them) but because they genuinely wrote the best stuff I’ve read in the past year. If Ann Leckie wrote the best book of the year I’d nominate her too. If Damien Walter ever finishes his book I’d nominate it were it good enough.

    Politics is at best a necessary evil, so why on earth would I want to interject it into every facet of my life as if it were the most important thing in it?

    Now, if a lot of the people at World Con want to nominate that way, that is their prerogative, but it does become grating when they do it while simultaneously claiming to be unbiased and that the award retains the title of most prestigious and relevant.

    Especially not if they are going to attack anyone else for not nominating the same way. There is no accounting for taste, after all.

  66. In fact, Douglas’ suggestion of Dragon Princess is an interesting one in the context of Sad Puppies.

    Much has been made of “Ending the binary-gender as norm” and Larry’s response of “story first message later.” Often it gets bowdlerized to claim that he was saying that such things shouldn’t be included in fiction. Frankly, in a genre that includes stuff like line families in Heinlein, triple (or more) gendered species in Star Trek, and reincarnated people as magical horse guides in Valdemar, this is ludicrous. And that is just a few examples off the top of my head.

    I read Dragon Princess a couple months back. I hadn’t heard of it, but it was under consideration for the Reader’s Choice program at my library. Without giving too much away, as I do actually recommend the book (though I hope a sequel is in the works, as the ending, while fitting, leaves too many threads dangling for my tastes) the story involves a lot of time spent on very non-binary gender issues and situations, as well as playing with the tropes of Dragons and Princesses. (I know I’m being vague, but I really don’t want to spoil anything)

    The difference is that all of it serves the plot and not the other way around. The story and ambiance of the book is way more important than the message of the book, and it works. The same type of story written by the more strident intersectionalists would be an unreadable mess.

    I’ll put it another way – even many years later children’s books like Harriet the Spy still do extremely well, even as many if not most of its contemporaries are forgotten. Why? In a nutshell it is because the book doesn’t condescend to the kids reading it. It is still written so they can understand it, but without talking down to them as a lot of kid’s book of the time did. (This seems to be lessening over time, thankfully.) It’s easy to look at that and say, well, duh, of course a book that doesn’t treat children like idiot adults will do better, but somehow that fails to translate to spec fiction circles.

    Of course a book that beats us over the head with how sexist men are, or whatever message it is, isn’t going to be received as well as one that simply presents the story and lets us make up our own blasted minds.

  67. “when you live under white supremacy & Islamophobic paranoia, the line between supporting free speech & bolstering hatred is so thin.” – Sofia Samatar, John W. Campbell Award winner.

    There’s your left-wing politics, although it seems to me to be nothing more than racism bleating about white people. Her hurt feelings compared to actual dead people shows what these folks really mean about #blacklivesmatter, as if I needed any more proof. Given the Campbell Award is under the aegis of WorldCon, I don’t really see any sense in engaging or pranking a Clem Kaddidlehopper cross-eyed KKK. They are lost to the world and any sense of decency or principle let alone art. They think hate speech is justice and pragmatism is hate speech. Frankly I find it hard to believe any writer with a shred of principle would accept a nomination from the supremacist nuthatchery WorldCon has become. As far as I can tell, every single one of them is providing cover for the terrorists who shot cartoonists while they treat two not at all clear deaths by cops as if they were assassinations. These are not people in their right minds. I have no interest in anything any of them writes.

    You’d all honestly be better off spending your money with a convention that won’t support the fantasies of sociopathic gender feminists and racist supremacists and start a new awards. I wouldn’t have it be conservative or liberal since this fight has nothing to do with such things. Anyone who doesn’t support feminist racist supremacy is a right-wing reactionary to these nuts. All you have to do is adopt the same convention policy harassment standards about race and sex the social justice warriors are so fond of and say nobody who does that online on blogs or in Tweets is eligible.

    That would eliminate all the anti-white, anti-male, anti-heterosexual and anti-Western bigots who won Hugos and Nebulas last year so it’s not even a judgment call but a straight application of rules. If you single out humans according to their race and gender and smack them down 100% of the time you’re out, simple as that. I don’t see SFF as having anything to do with obsessing over group defamation. If you like that sort of thing I’m sure the KKK or neo-Nazis might consider a multicultural arm of their organizations. Needless to say under these rules Samatar would have her status confirmed: marginalized out of the genre. Her talent is as thin as skin anyway.

  68. I’m pissed because Knighton wrote the worst thing ever posted on Amazon. Literally. And for some reason, he can’t see how bad it is because it sold a few dozen copies.

  69. Steering the conversation back away from people fighting the fight of three years ago today and the inane ramblings of obsessed cyberstalkers, let’s see… nominations:

    War to the Knife, by Peter Grant is probably the best indie I’ve read of the year.
    I’ll second the “Plural of Helen of Troy”, as I think it comes off as a more likely pick than Wright’s actual SF take on “If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love.”

  70. Thoughts on nominating:

    Island in a Sea of Stars by Kevin J Anderson for best novella. Read it here:

    Not certain if this will make my final five novellas to nominate, but I’m considering it. I do try to get a full five nominees per category, but it takes research. Particularly in the short fiction and the down ballot.

    Anderson works hard and deserves some recognition. To be fair, it’s not as though he has no awards or award nominations. He has more awards and nominations than most Hugo nominees. He’s a good example of how skewed the Hugo tastes tend to be.

    The KJA had seven novels come out in 2014. Since novel is the most competitive category (particularly this year), it doesn’t seem like a good fit for him at this time. The shorter fiction categories, seem like a better fit, but he doesn’t write a lot of short fiction. He did put out three or so anthologies in 2014, which could be considered for best related work. Does anyone know much about them?

    The KJA is also why I feel a “Best Media Tie-In Fiction” category should be made. It’s really a different and difficult skill set to be able to grab a shared world and write well in it. I would probably just have as one category and not separate it by word length or exclude graphic novels, just to keep the reading down for voters. It also would need clear rules as what counts as a media tie-in. People like the KJA and RA Salvatore might dominate the category. Or it could end up being a category for fan-fic dreck. But despite this, it could help motivate companies outside of the big five to hire authors to write fiction for them. The Dan Wells nomination last year sure helped out authors working for Privateer Press. And the category could help draw in more Worldcon members.

    People who physically attend Worldcon have to nominate new categories. Supporting membership doesn’t cut it.

    Just a thought.

  71. Jared Anders: It looks like there is a sequel to Dragon Princess coming, titled Dragon Thief. Amazon has it listed as coming out in April.

    (Of course there was going to be a sequel. Isn’t it against the law to write a stand-alone novel with a Fantasy setting?)

    One of the reasons I enjoyed Dragon Princess was that it DIDN’T bludgeon the reader with long digressions, discussions, and diatribes about gender roles, feminism, etc. Oh, it does take a few obvious swipes, but for the most part (as you pointed out) it was more concerned with telling its story than screaming invectives. Which, considering the tone of much of what I’ve read over the last few years, was actually something of a welcome change of pace.

    BTW, I’m one of those foolish people who actually does attend WorldCons and votes for the Hugos. I was at LonCon last year, and I plan on being at Sasquan this year. May god have mercy on my soul.

  72. This looks like fun and thank you so much to everybody who suggested Sci Phi Journal. Issue #4 is in the works so what would be the deadline for the nominations? I’d love to get on board! Even if not, let me know what I can do to help out.

  73. Hey! I’m eligible! And someone already mentioned me! But I’ll float the idea again: “Domo” by Joshua M. Young. I don’t know that I’m the equal of Hugo luminaries in days past, but I’m a better stylist and certainly more science fictional than that “if you were a dinosaur” dreck.

    Best novel: Judge of Ages by John C. Wright.

    Best long form: Interstellar.

  74. This is a quick look at some of the stuff I’ll be nominating:

    A Darkling Sea by James Cambias (Novel)
    A Sword Into Darkness by Thomas A. Mays (Novel))
    The Martian (Novel, probably not eligible, but I’m nominating anyway)

    For short fiction, all I have right now is stuff from Hieroglyph, but these were all great fun:

    Atmosphæra Incognita by Neal Stephenson (Novelette? Not sure which short fiction this qualifies for – goes for all my short fic nods)
    A Hotel in Antarctica by Geoffrey Landis (Novelette?)

    Periapsis by James L. Cambias (Short Story?)
    Covenant by Elizabeth Bear (Short Story)
    The Day It All Ended by Charlie Jane Anders (Short Story)

    Since we’re talking about stuff that normally wouldn’t get a lot of attention, my Dramatic Presentation Long Form list is going to be pretty obscure (though obviously stuff like Interstellar and Guardians of the Galaxy are worth a look):

    The One I Love (more Twilight Zoney than true SF, but definitely worth checking out)

    Also want to see I, Origins before I nominate…

    And that covers most of what I’ve got right now. Let’s try and keep this all positive. Remember, this is about recognizing our favorite books, not our difference in taste with other voters!

  75. Well, #4 will be the March Issue of Sci Phi so looks like I could be eligible!

    So how do I sign up for this? And I’d nominate Domo as well, and not just because it was the first story I bought for Sci Phi!

  76. Jason, if you want to nominate for the Hugo award you need to register with Sasquan: It cost $40 for a supporting membership, which allows you to nominate and vote. You need to have registered before January 31st to be able to nominate works. You can also pay more and actually attend the convention which would be awesome if you can afford it.

    Go register and get reading!

  77. Not to take anything away from the stories noted above, and maybe it’s not a true Sad Puppy, but shouldn’t Ken Liu’s “Long Haul” in Clarkesworld win going away for short story? Granted, I’m a big fan of John McPhee, so I’m biased in that regard.

    It’s good to see Jason Rennie and the editors of DSF getting mentioned. What they both do is interesting and different. I’m biased here too, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.

  78. Stephen, I liked the “Long Haul” by Ken Liu. It’s very much a story about relationships, which is in keeping with Liu’s style. The SF&F elements are kind of in the background. It’s on my personal list of potential nominees, but it’s not very high since the story drags at points IMHO. If I find something I like more, it could easily get bumped off. Ken Liu has a couple Hugos already and we know he’s a good writer, so not getting nominated won’t take that away.

  79. I think it’s great that you’re asking around rather than just picking out a set of things one person likes. Go you! I have picked out several things from this discussion that I’m going to go read.

  80. It is (possibly/definitely) self-serving, but 2014 was a big year for me. I talk more about it here:
    I published three pro stories, “The Rememberists” in Daily Science Fiction, “Bumped” in the Grantville Gazette Universe Annex, and “Within This Horizon” in the Riding the Red Horse anthology. I also I die pulled a collection REMO of which I might suggest “Dogcatcher Blues” is eligible. On the novel side of things, my book A Sword Into Darkness was very successful. Check ’em out! I’d love to be a Puppy.

  81. On the less self-serving side, I’d recommend Ken Burnside’s article “The Hot Equations” for best related work, Winchell Chung’s Atomic Rockets for best fan writer and or related work, and Interstellar and Guardians of the Galaxy for long-form. As for Novel, I would propose The Martian, eligibility be damned, Robogenesis, and Lexicon.

  82. I would love to see this be the year Sarah Hoyt finally gets nominated. If you look at the numbers, she came really close last year in two categories.

    Is Witchfinder eligible? It was effectively a serial novel finished in 2014, correct?

  83. Mark Andrew Edwards says:
    January 8, 2015 at 11:52 am
    “Is Brent Week’s “The Broken Eye” eligible for Best Novel?
    He’s a damn fine writer, very entertaining. No idea about his politics and I’m ok with that. His reading in Seattle last year was great.”

    Yes, Weeks’ “The Broken Eye” was first published in August 2014 and is eligible.

  84. So if I understand this correctly, the item has to be published in 2014, right?
    What about the novel Fancy Free by Pam Uphoff? I thought it was a fun book.

  85. I’ve got my own short story eligible this year: “The Middle Rages” published at Cast of Wonders, about teenagers forming a garage band on a generation ship. I’m also nominating “Enginesong” by Nathaniel Lee. That had one of the most bizarre endings I’ve ever seen, and I loved it.

    For novels, I’m nominating “World of Trouble,” the last of the Last Policeman trilogy. It was one of those books that leaves you lying awake at night thinking about it. But the protagonist is a straight white man, so I’m sure it won’t do well at the Hugos.

    For short form dramatic presentation, I’m totally nominating “Too Many Cooks” and the last episode of “Video Game High School.”

  86. What are the rules for long form dramatic presentation, and would it be possible to get something like Borderlnds the Pre-Sequel or Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth in under them?

  87. Novels I’m contemplating:

    Trial by Fire – Chuck Gannon
    Element of Mind – Walter Hunt
    1636: Kremlin Games – Eric Flint, Paula Goodlett, Gorg Huff

    and of course, John Ringo’s Islands of Rage and Hope.

    Fanzine — Is Uncle Timmy’s Revenge of Hump Day eligible? I would love to nominate it.

    Editor — I’m going to be nominating Paula Goodlett because I can. I know she likely won’t make the ballot, but I’m going to be doing it anyway.

  88. I seriously want to see Larry Correia’s Social Justice Noun story get on the ballot for best short story. Like, seriously seriously.

  89. Is “The Litany of Earth” by Ruthanna Emyrs worthy of Sad Puppy? It has quite of bit of buzz right now for best novelette. I like that it deals with religious freedom and diversity. The use of the Lovecraftian mythos is great. It does drag at points and could use a little more action. You can read it at:

    Also, wondering about Dead Man’s Hand: An Anthology of the Weird West and Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Future for Best Related Work. I’ve heard good things about David Farland’s short-story “Hellfire on the High Frontier” in Dead Man’s Hand, and I’ve heard a lot of good things about the stories in Hieroglyph which have been written to “reignite the iconic and optimistic visions of the golden age of science fiction.”

  90. I just realized – apparently Sam Hughes’ “Ra” can be nominated (serial novels self published on the net are eligible for Hugos apparently.) So, I hope it’s not too late to recommend it; greatest thing I’ve read recently. Link:

  91. Is the Hugo Best Graphic Story as bent as the other more literary catagories? The Foglio’s Girl Genius story (three time winner) has never said anything remotely political, as far as I remember. (A fearful fan of another great webcomic wants to know…)

  92. The Best Graphic Story hasn’t gone to more literary works so far. There is a slight push to move it that way, but it hasn’t happened yet.

    I’m wondering if anyone is considering JK Rowling for Best Short Story? She’s published Harry Potter shorts on her website this past year. They’ve gotten significant news coverage.

  93. I have done a preliminary spreadsheet of people’s recommendations or, at least, mentions here. I just need a place to put the Excel spreadsheet so people can see it. I’d also like to be able to update it as other recommendations come in. Thanks

  94. THE BONE CLOCKS, by David Mitchell, who wrote “Cloud Atlas.” It’s a rare case of a mainstream, literary writer playing in our space, and doing so with both an understanding of sf and a complete lack of condescension to it. Naturally, this has made the mainstream critics somewhat dismissive of it.
    If you haven’t read it, check it out.

  95. Who the FUCK cares? No devoted reader of science fiction has EVER bought a book because it won a Hugo or Saturn award, nor because some moronic action committee prodded them to.

  96. Hey, I just now read the comments here. And I was shocked to see me mentioned. I wanted to leave a rather belated thank you to both Douglas and Jared for the kind words up thread about DRAGON*PRINCESS. (Kind of funny that I tend to keep hitting the SJW sweet spots, but I rarely get any credit for it. I guess it’s the libertarianism… or the explosions.)

  97. Dear Mr. Swann:
    Hey, I TRIED to convince them to put Dragon Princess on the SP noms, but there were only so many choices they could do. Maybe next year?

    And for me, it was the mere thought of Elvish bookies.

    I note that Dragon Thief came out today and my kindle appears to have downloaded it. As soon as I finish my current book its going to the front of the line!

    Good luck, and thank you!

  98. Well thank you, really. Hugos aside, Sad Puppies aside, the fact you brought up my name in a forum where at least a few people might be prompted to pick up my work who wouldn’t otherwise, that’s appreciated.

    Hope you like the follow-up as much as the first one.

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